November 18, 2022
The holidays are a time for family, friends, and of course, food. While it’s important to enjoy all the delicious holiday treats, it’s also important to maintain a healthy diet. Here are some tips on how to eat healthily during the holidays!
Eating well is an important step on the path to good health, and it starts with planning. While it’s tempting to load up on convenient processed foods, those are usually lacking in nutrition and often high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and sodium. A smarter approach is to make a list of the healthy food items you want to have in your kitchen (e.g., fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins) and then plan your meals around them. This ensures that you have access to nutrient-rich ingredients whenever you need them.
Planning helps create stress-free meal times while providing all the nutrients your body needs! That’s why it’s important to have a game plan before stepping into the grocery store – this begins with prepping lists ahead of time so that each grocery trip enables healthy choices for years to come! With proper preparation and readily accessible healthy food sources on hand at home, saying “yes” to nutritious eating has never been easier!
With so much fast and processed food available, it can be easy to skip preparing a healthy meal and opt for something convenient instead. This choice, however, can sabotage your health goals — as well as your overall well-being. Plan by stocking up on nutritious foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, and whole grains that will give you the energy and nutrients you need to live an active lifestyle.
Additionally, avoid sugary snacks such as candy bars or chips that contain empty calories and lack many of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Keep an eye on sodium levels too; processed snack foods can have dangerously high amounts of salt packed in them. When it comes to improving your health — or maintaining it—what you eat matters. So, stay away from processed foods and sugary snacks if you want to reach your health goals.
Eating an abundance of vegetables and fruits is one of the best ways to keep your energy levels up throughout the day and maintain healthy digestion. Studies have shown that fibers found in these foods help to slow down digestion, which can lead to a feeling of fullness that lasts longer than when consuming more processed, sugary foods.
What’s more, these nutrient-dense plant-based foods contain important vitamins and minerals that are essential for proper bodily functioning. Getting an adequate amount of fiber from sources such as beans, legumes, and whole grains can also work wonders for keeping you feeling good both physically and emotionally. So, for a satisfied stomach and some extra pep in your step, make sure to fill up on fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, and other plant products!
Drinking plenty of water can have multiple health benefits. It is one of the most important things humans need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Water helps keep your body functioning properly and can even help you avoid overeating, as it provides a feeling of fullness that can prevent unnecessary snacking. Additionally, water is essential for proper cell hydration because it carries nutrients to every cell in your body and also assists with the removal of waste products. Furthermore, an adequate intake of water will help you to avoid dehydration which can cause fatigue, headaches, dizziness, constipation, and bad breath. All in all, drinking plenty of water is one of the best habits you can form to ensure optimum health and performance–so be sure to make it part of your daily routine!
Staying active is an important way to stay healthy and now more than ever, people need to take steps to ensure their physical fitness isn’t suffering during the pandemic. Getting in some extra activity after big holiday meals is a great way for individuals and families alike to stay on top of their health this season. While a walk around the block is often enough to get your blood pumping, taking a long jog or run in the morning can be an even better way to work up a sweat.
A morning jog can provide numerous physical benefits including improved circulation and enhanced lung capacity which is especially beneficial during the winter months when colds are more common. Additionally, regular running or jogging can help with weight management and increased metabolism. Fresh air and natural sunlight also have numerous benefits such as improved energy levels, reduced stress levels, boosted moods, and lower levels of anxiety which further add to the overall health benefits of these activities. Everyone needs to remember that getting active is one of the best things you can do for yourself so don’t forget to take those walks or runs, if possible, this holiday season!
In short, taking even a short walk after big meals or going for a run in the mornings are great ways to stay active while also providing numerous physical and mental health benefits. So, get outside after those feasts and enjoy some fresh air while promoting your well-being!
Did you overindulge and eat one or two too many treats this week? Don’t beat yourself up about it – everyone does from time to time. Instead of feeling guilty, simply recognize that it was a momentary lapse in your healthy eating plan and get back on track with your diet.
Don’t allow any setback to derail your progress completely. If the indulgence happened while out at a restaurant or party, don’t let that affect tomorrow’s choices either; practice making better decisions today so that you don’t continue down the bad path. You should also practice mindful eating by focusing on the tastes, textures, and smells of the food you are consuming so that you are more aware and may even enjoy fewer calories overall.
These small steps can help make it easier to get back on track with your healthy eating plan and make sure that indulgences stay occasional instead of moving towards habitual behavior. An occasional slip doesn’t have to derail all your progress; if you just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again tomorrow, then those indulgences will likely remain infrequent occurrences. So don’t beat yourself up for any momentary lapses—just use them as an opportunity to reset and begin again! By doing this, maintaining a healthy diet can become second nature for you in no time at all.
Implementing these healthy eating tips is a great way to get started on your road to better health. Just be patient and take things one step at a time–before you know it, you’ll be at your goal!